Interact Scilab with other tools

Did you know Scilab has functionalities to interact with other tools or facilitate the migration from other software?

Import/Export data to/from Scilab

Migrate to Scilab

  • From Excel® to Scilab
    Using macros in Excel is like using Scilab functions. Scilab gives users the possibility to import data from Excel to Scilab (with xls link module for example). Users can then convert their Excel-macros in using Scilab equivalent functions.
  • From Matlab® to Scilab
    Users who are interested in migrating from Matlab® to Scilab are provided with several Tools:
    Using Matlab to Scilab conversion help tools
    The Matlab to Scilab dictionary
    The matfile2sci function which allows the conversion of Matlab binary data files to Scilab binary data files.

Call Scilab from another software

  • From Excel®
    Thanks to Scilab XLL external module, users can call Scilab from Excel and get the Scilab results back to Excel spreadsheet.
  • From LabVIEW®
    Using the LabVIEW to Scilab Gateway, users can write Scilab scripts in LabVIEW and call Scilab to analyze and visualize their data.
  • From ModeFRONTIER®
    ModeFRONTIER can benefit from the Scilab capabilities to perform advanced and intensive tasks. A Scilab node is available within ModeFRONTIER under the form of an External Scheduler Bridge.

Excel® is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation
LabVIEW® is a trademark of National Instruments
Matlab® is a trademark of The MathWorks, Inc
ModeFRONTIER® is a trademark of ESTECO s.r.l