Research & Education need open tools for Knowledge building & sharing
With over 100,000+ downloads per month, Scilab is the most open numerical analysis and simulation software on the market.
Real time embedded systems require higher performance
The ARGO european project aims at providing a toolchain for the conception of hard real-time applications on multicore embedded systems.
Scilab Xcos will be the modeling environment used as a frontend tool to the WCET-aware toolchain. Analysis and semi-automatic transformations are performed on the code generated from the model to use the multicore targeted system’s full potential while guaranteeing WCET constraints. Annotations on the parallelism and the execution time are used to enrich models in an iterative process.
That new approach will be tested on two specific use cases: an enhanced ground proximity warning system for a flight simulator and a polarization image processing application.

Ecosystem for the Model Based Systems Engineering Solution Capella
The CLARITY project consists in developing and structuring an ecosystem of major actors (industrials, integrators, technology providers, consultants) centered on the model-based systems engineering solution Capella and its extensions.
Model-based approach on test-benches
Research projects often bring together academy and industry around knowledge creation. Scilab is an appropriate platform for them to build and share their designs in an open manner.

Radiation thermometry in Inmetro’s laboratories
Research activities developed in the field of metrology naturally involve the measurement and assessment of the uncertainty budget of several quantities. In order to increase the confidence in the measurement results, it is important that each measurement can be performed repeatedly, generating indeed a matrix of data. Thus, computer programs designed to deal easily with matrices like Scilab are extremely convenient in this area.