Open-Source Model-based System Engineering


The CLARITY project consists in developing and structuring an ecosystem of major actors (industrials, integrators, technology providers, consultants) centered on the open-source model-based systems engineering solution Capella and its extensions. Scilab/Xcos is one of them. Here is the complete list of the consortium:



Basically, the idea behind our involvment within the Clarity research project is the following:

  • We integrate as the system simulation “viewpoint” in the system design workflow.
  • We get the informations contained in the Physical and Logical layers (viewpoints in Capella gather a certain subset of information from the system architecture for the different activities along the system design workflow : requirements, simulation, validation & verification, …)
  • We enrich the system model with a physical behaviour (in our case rather a mathematical behaviour, described through the Scilab language or with Xcos blocs/ transfer functions), and store the changes in a central system model database

The specificity of our approach is that it is quite lean:

We can either connect to an existing system model database, for instance the one of Airbus Safran Launchers through a standard REST API, or provide our cloud system model database (either on public or private cloud), enabling an easier deployment of the Model Based System Engineering approach for companies or services that are new to it and don’t want to spend months on integration and that can leverage their existing system models (based on Scilab and potentially other simulation software providers supporting Modelica or the Functional Mock-Up Interface.)

Plus we can deploy specific expert applications focusing on certain subsets of the system design. Forget Excel to iterate on requirements and build simulation models with Scilab that can be interfaced with a graphical user interface and easily deployed within different engineering teams, but also to non-expert of the simulation. The example of the application of Airbus Safran Launchers is quite a good example of that trend.

- Read more about the Mechanical pre-sizing of Ariane - 


You can read here the summary of the project results.

The cloud model database used for this project is based on our ATOMS technology:

Models can be stored under several formats, such as the FMI standard.